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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Statewide

The primary purpose of the Iowa Statewide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) evaluation is to provide data and interpretation to measure the intended outcomes of the program. The evaluation examines the strengths and weaknesses of implementation and assists in planning for adjustments that will strengthen the delivery of services to schools.

Dr. Robin Galloway began serving on the Iowa Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Leadership Team in 2003.

The PBIS evaluation is funded by the Iowa Department of Education. Data are collected from several instruments and analyzed by the Research Institute for Studies in Education (RISE) at Iowa State University.

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the program is based on qualitative and quantitative data. Researchers will analyze data from fidelity of implementation instruments, discipline referrals, suspensions and expulsions etc.

Implementation with integrity is an important factor of the PBIS program in Iowa and relates directly to the results. School-wide PBIS provides two measures of implementation that have been tested for reliability and validity. Each site is provided with a Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) that identifies the implementation steps and measures the implementation process. Teams use the Checklist to self-assess their progress. These reports are submitted for review four times a year. Scores on the Checklist are compared to the scores a building achieves on its annual School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET).

The SET is designed to assess and evaluate the critical features of school-wide effective behavior support across each academic school year. External observers gather information necessary for this assessment tool through multiple sources including review of permanent products, observations, and staff and student interviews or surveys.

Referral data are collected through the School-Wide Information System (SWIS™) at the local schools. SWIS is a web-based information system used to improve the behavior support in elementary, middle (junior high), and high schools. The purpose of SWIS is to provide school personnel with accurate, timely, and practical information for making decisions about discipline systems.

Associated Publications
2012 PBIS Data Brief