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Iowa’s Information Technology, Healthcare, Utilities, and Manufacturing (IHUM) – Hawkeye Community College

The IHUM Network, consisting of all 15 Iowa community colleges, was developed to increase the education and training of TAA-eligible workers in the high-growth industries of health, information, manufacturing, and utilities. The IHUM project will provide greater and enhanced Iowa community college retraining services to students in targeted signature programs through seamless career pathways with multiple entry points, customized developmental education and remediation, coursework delivered in multiple formats (utilizing advanced technology and simulation when applicable), work-based learning opportunities and stackable and latticed credentials. By investing in capacity building in gap areas, program graduates will have the appropriate skills and credentials to successfully enter and advance in the related occupations, while meeting the very specific skill needs sought by IHUM industry employers.

This project is made possible through a grant from U.S. The Department of Labor (DOL) Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Program. The evaluation is supported by U.S. DOL TAACCCT Grant No. TC-26439-14-60-A-19. These grants help community colleges to enhance education and career training programs that prepare students for employment in high-wage, high-skill occupations.