
  • ISU 4U Promise

    RISE serves the evaluator for the ISU 4U Promise program. The ISU 4U Promise partnership between King Elementary School, Moulton Elementary School, and Iowa State University promotes college-going in students from these schools. Students who complete fifth grade at King or Moulton will be eligible for tuition awards at Iowa State University. Read More

  • Iowa STEM Monitoring Project

    The Iowa STEM Monitoring Project (ISMP) is a multi-faceted and collaborative effort that works in support of the Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory Council. The purpose of the ISMP is to systematically observe a series of defined metrics and sources to examine changes regarding STEM education and economic development in Iowa centered on the activities of the Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory Council. Read More

  • Enhancing Conservation, Access, and Generational Transition of Iowa Farmland through Women Landowners

    RISE participates in the Women in Ag grants team to develop informational feedback on educational programming. Evaluation work includes survey development and administration and focus groups. Read More

  • Developing Virtual Content for STEM Career and Technical Education

    Eastern Iowa Community College (EICC) has partnered with RISE to evaluate the development and implementation of virtual training resources for automotive blower, instrumentation, and lighting systems, as well as for home HVAC systems. This web-based virtual training utilizes WebGL for the training platform. Read More

  • Biological Materials and Processes (BioMaP) Research Experiences for Undergraduates

    The BioMap REU is a summer research program in which undergraduate students become active members of interdisciplinary groups and work with faculty members, post-doctoral researchers, graduate students, and industry. Annual evaluation of the BioMaP REU program includes pre- and post-program surveys. The evaluation of the program has been informed by other studies of REU students and outcomes, as well as best practices for evaluation. Read More

  • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Senior Exit Surveys

    RISE is collaborating with the Iowa State University Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering to evaluate the undergraduate program by asking graduating seniors to respond to exit surveys. Read More